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A Lone Star Romance: Book 2 in The Only Love Series Page 3
A Lone Star Romance: Book 2 in The Only Love Series Read online
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Once inside, the young housekeeper looked the Hawaiian up and down.
"Ya can't go honky tonkin' in those duds."
"Come again?"
"Ya can't wear a suit for line dancin'!" Peg exclaimed, her tone revealing that any idiot should know this.
Kiki looked down at her business apparel. She wore a stunning, fire engine red suit. The jacket sported a subtle peplum while the skirt hugged her bottom just enough to show off her figure without appearing lewd. A cream silk blouse highlighted her heart-shaped face and lovely dark eyes, while contrasting with her thick, black hair.
"I don't have much else with me," she said.
"Well, Miss Kiki, we could go into Amarillo in the afternoon. Do some shoppin' and meet the fellas later at the Silver Spur."
The girl glanced sideways at her, as if self-conscious.
"Yes, we could, Peg. Do you have any shopping to do?" she asked.
Kiki had an idea that maybe the girl wanted her help purchasing clothing to garner the attention of one of the cowboys.
"I could use a new outfit, I guess. Don't get into town often. I could show ya around the mall," she offered.
"I'd love that. Since I've been working through lunch, we could leave around noon. If you can get off that early."
"I don't see why not. Mrs. Briggs is always sayin' I work too hard."
The cook and head housekeeper used Peg for her leg work. Mrs. Briggs appeared to be about sixty, good-natured, and excellent in the kitchen. The young girl did all the heavy lifting, strenuous cleaning, and running about between buildings.
"Great! It's a date, then."
"Ya really need a coat too, Miss Kiki. And some proper shoes. And—"
"I get the idea, Peg," she interrupted, laughing.
* * * * *
Doesn't anyone around these parts have a decent suspension in their vehicle?
The Hawaiian had grown up with luxury cars and properly paved roads. The girls bounced along a dirt road filled with ruts, heading towards Amarillo and leaving a cloud of dust trailing behind. Kiki guessed Peg's car was an old Gremlin or some such discontinued model. She could barely see out the windows. The sun had baked dust on the orange car, clouding its glass. It seemed a death trap, but at least there were few other cars on the road. The housekeeper appeared not to notice the bumps and rattled on about Billy Young, one of the cowboys who had helped set up her workspace that first day at the ranch. She guessed he was the real reason for this trip.
By the time they reached black topped streets, Kiki's bum ached. She could see Amarillo sprawling out in the distance. She made out a train yard, oil storage tanks, a small clump of high rises, motels, and freeway bridges. Peg complained about the traffic, which made her laugh out loud.
"What's so funny?"
"This is nothing compared to what we deal with in Los Angeles."
"Well, jist ya wait until tonight. Half the countryside comes into town on Friday nights for dinner and entertainment. It gets real crowded."
The compact passed under the freeway, I-40, a main east/west corridor. By the number of motels and restaurants lining the frontage roads, she guessed the highway traffic and related commerce helped fuel the local economy. Sounds of big rigs barreling by blasted the girls as they made their way across the mall parking lot and into the shopping center.
Peg rushed into a western wear shop, leaving Kiki out front, gawking at the window mannequins. She noted a lot of embroidery, fringe and razzle dazzle.
"Come on," Peg's stage whisper brought the art expert back to reality.
The girl stood with her knees slightly bent, beckoning Kiki to enter the store with exaggerated arm movements that made her look like she used her right hand to scoop air over her shoulder. In response, the consultant nodded and followed a relieved Peg into the shop. She determined they should take care of the housekeeper's wardrobe issues first.
"You know, Peggy?" She thought she'd give her full name a try. "Something a little more tailored would really show off your figure."
The young housekeeper lowered her chin in an attempt to examine her own body. Kiki realized the girl didn't have much of a shape, but they needed to start somewhere. Peg's face lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Ya think?"
"Yes, I do. You have what people call gamine looks, and—"
"Whatcha saying? That I look like a duck?"
This wasn't going well. The girl took offense, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt her feelings.
"No, no, Peggy. Gamine means you have fine, petite features and pretty eyes. It's considered highly desirable . . . like Audrey Hepburn. Have you ever seen one of her movies?"
The housekeeper turned a shade of pink and said, "No."
"Well, she had a classic beauty. You should play up your eyes more."
Peg shot Kiki a dubious look.
"I've got an idea," she continued. "Why don't I help pick out your outfit for tonight, and you help pick out mine? We can help each other with our looks."
The younger girl rubbed her chin while her bushy eyebrows moved closer together.
"That might work," she said at last, adding, "ya'd have to trust me though, Miss Kiki."
"I already do, Peg."
Several hours later, Peggy sat in a recliner getting her eyebrows threaded. Neither girl had paused for lunch, spending their time rummaging through each store at the mall. Kiki had chosen a pair of jeans cut for the female body from one of the department stores for her new friend. When Peg balked at the price, she reminded her that she could keep her current boots and save money on that side. She picked out a girly pink, figure hugging, light weight sweater and had a lady behind a cosmetics counter apply make-up for the girl as well. The garment was so soft, some mohair must have been included in the weave. It begged to be touched. A beautician softened her bowl haircut, feathering the locks around her face. Kiki thought she looked like an angel.
While supervising the beauty treatment, the Hawaiian sported her new look. Tight jeans tucked into cowboy boots hugged her curves. Heavily embroidered with turquoise flowers and hummingbirds, the leather shoes had chunky heels and pointed toes. A rhinestone-studded, matching suede belt emphasized her tiny waist. She wore a blue and red plaid shirt beneath her red suit jacket. The western cut blouse tied everything together.
Peg put one hand to a cheek when she saw herself in the mirror. Kiki worried she might not be pleased with her new appearance. Gradually, a smile spread across the girl's face.
"You look beautiful, Peggy."
"Thank you, Miss Kiki," the girl gushed.
It was pitch dark by the time they left the mall and Peg suggested they have dinner before arriving at the Silver Spur. She drove to an Olive Garden and the two girls stuffed themselves on bread sticks and lasagna. It had been a long day.
"So, Peggy, how did you end up working on the ranch?" she asked over coffee and tiramisu.
The girl hesitated before beginning her story. Kiki gave her the time she needed to decide what she would reveal.
"I kinda got myself into a pickle. See, I grew up outside of Booker. That's where we go to church, so you'll get to see the town. Nice little place with a museum and everything. I let my grades slide and ended up flunkin' most of my classes my junior year. My dad said he'd kick me out if I didn't bring my scores up, that I'd need to support myself if I wasn't in school. I guess I'm not real bright, 'cause I couldn't bring 'em up."
Peg's eyes grew watery. Kiki reached out and placed her hand on the girl's, which she'd balled into a fist on the table while speaking.
"I think you're bright, Peggy. I should know, too."
The girl ignored her comment and continued after wiping her eyes on a napkin. "I flunked out, and Dad kicked me out jist like he said. I didn't know what I was goin' to do, but somehow, Lu heard about it and took me in at the Bar H. Been workin' there ever since, four years now."
"Mr. Liu hired you?"
"Yeah, that's what I said. Got room and board with
my pay too. Pretty sweet deal, huh?"
"Yes, Peggy. How is your relationship with your mom and dad now?"
She couldn't imagine a mother allowing her daughter to be thrown out on the streets like that. Her parents had always been so loving, even to the point of spoiling her a bit. She felt terrible for the girl.
"Oh, it's okay. I mean, with my dad. I don't know . . . uh, I don't really communicate with my mother. She left when I was real young."
The situation was worse than Kiki had imagined. Poor Peg. No wonder she dressed, walked, and knocked on doors like a boy.
"Ever think of getting your G.E.D., Peg?"
"Yeah, but I haven't gotten 'round to it."
"You should. I used to tutor kids at night to help them get ready for the test. Let me know if you ever want my help preparing."
"The boss is always telling me I should do it. Says he'll give me time off with pay even."
"Take him up on it. Once you pass that, you could even take college classes if you'd like."
"Really, Miss Kiki? You think I could go to college?"
"Sure, if you wanted to. Listen, I've known plenty of people with less on the ball than you who got into college. I've watched you this past week. You're a hard worker and a problem solver. I have no doubt you'll be a great success at whatever you put your mind to."
"What if I jist wanna stay on the ranch?"
"Then you'll be great at that, too. But it's nice to give yourself some options," Kiki said as nonchalantly as possible. She sensed the hurt behind the girl's questions.
"We outta get goin'."
Peg drove the short distance to the club. Amarillo had grown quite congested, just as the housekeeper had promised. The lot, chock full of pickups, forced them to park on the street, and they hurried inside. The outside of the establishment looked like a real dive to Kiki.
Loud music poured from the entrance. A polite cowboy held the door open for the girls. Basically just a bar with a dance floor, the Silver Spur hummed with activity. Inside, they were quickly surrounded by hands from the Bar H. Peggy got almost as much attention as the Hawaiian. Kiki noticed the girl flustered and tongue-tied.
"Hey, Bill. Buy us a drink, will you?" she asked the object of Peg's affection.
The cowboy smiled and tipped his hat, then headed for the bar. She gave the girl a nudge in the back and nodded her head in Billy's direction. Peg didn't get the hint, so she grabbed her elbow and escorted her to a stool next to the cowboy. He handed them each a bottle of beer, and Kiki positioned herself behind the couple, allowing them room to chat. Once the ranch hand started the conversation, she moved away towards Cody, Sam, and Bobby, all men she knew from the Bar H.
Soon the guys had her out on the floor, learning to line dance. This was a new experience, and she enjoyed herself. Kiki had always loved dancing. She spent the night out on the wood, honing her new skills and taking different partners for every slow dance. She stuck with ranch employees and refused any stranger who tried to cut in. She still didn't feel comfortable enough to branch out on her own in this strange environment. A little dingy, loud, with dim lighting, the Silver Spur appeared a typical bar. She noticed the clientele all seemed like very polite gentlemen with good manners. At least they did until around midnight, by which time some customers had had a little too much to drink. She'd seen Peg share a slow dance with Billy and figured it would be a good time to leave.
The group departed en masse when Kiki suggested they should call it a night.
"Hey, do you mind if I ride with Billy?" Peg whispered in the parking lot.
"How will I get back?" she asked, alarmed.
"Oh, you can drive my car. Just follow us, and Bobby and some of the others will come behind you," Peg suggested.
Kiki reluctantly agreed, taking Peg's key and waiting in the compact while the others got in their cars. In all, three pickups drove back to the Bar H. Their convoy of four managed to stick together all the way to the ranch. Working the stick shift in her friend's car proved a miserable experience. By the time they arrived, it was late and her shoulder hurt worse than her bottom. When she exited the Gremlin, the others had a good laugh.
"I've never seen a car lunging like that!" Sam exclaimed between guffaws.
"It looked like Mr. Briggs on Old Devil," Bobby burst out, then bent at the waist in a fit of laughter.
"Come on, fellas, ya know that old clutch sticks," Peg said between giggles, attempting to soften the teasing.
Kiki swiped her hand towards the group, laughing.
"I can just imagine. Another new experience to cap the evening off," she said, adding, "I feel as though I rode Old Devil for eight seconds!" Kiki rubbed her shoulder.
She assumed Old Devil was a vicious bovine, and by everyone's response, she guessed she was right. Bill explained that he had been a particularly difficult animal to ride and how the cook's husband, in his younger years, had attempted to conquer the bull. He'd hung on, but looked like a rag doll in the process, spraining a few body parts.
The hands saw her halfway to her lodgings and watched until she entered. When she said Goodnight at the doorway, she noticed Peg and Billy were nowhere in sight. Hopefully, the cowboy saw the housekeeper safely to her room.
Kiki dropped her purchases on the floor and headed straight to the bedroom, shedding her clothes as she went. Once there, she proceeded to pour a hot bath, adding the jasmine and citrus scented gel she loved, only available in Hawaii, then slid under the water, hoping it would help her sore body. She'd had a great time in spite of her aches and pains. Plus, she felt certain Peggy had turned a corner. The girl looked so different after her mini-makeover. She hoped she'd gain some confidence and feel better about herself. The poor kid had had a rough life.
She almost fell asleep in the tub, but eventually the cooling water prevented her from snoozing. She emptied the tub and dried off, slipping on her black silk and lace chemise gown. Kiki owned several similar short nighties, all in different colors with spaghetti straps and contrasting lace at the hem and bust. Each had a matching robe. These were some of the luxuries she insisted on bringing on trips.
She turned her lights out and jumped in the large bed, tucking the blankets under her chin. She sank into the comfy mattress and relaxed to the point of slumber when she realized she'd left a light on somewhere in the house. A bright beam shone under her door. She debated ignoring it, but decided she'd sleep better in the dark. She threw back the covers and trudged into the hall, her door creaking open in the process. She flipped the hall light off, but discovered the great room was still lit. She must have left a light on before leaving for Amarillo.
Kiki ambled towards the large open area and stretched to reach the chain on a tall floor lamp near the sofa. Just as she did, she thought she heard something. The sound gave her a jump, and she spun towards the arm of the couch, sensing another presence. A startled gasp escaped her lips. There, beneath her, stretched out on the divan, was a man. Her eyes trailed up old blue jeans towards a leather belt, even as his scent of hay, spices, and animal hide reached her.
Oh, no.
With his arms crossed behind his head and propped against the sofa's opposite arm and his shirt tight across his chest, the cowboy's position allowed her to take in every rippling muscle, each hard bicep. Then she saw his face. A hard, stubbled square jaw, set like flint below lips pressed into a thin scowl. His blue eyes, lurking under furrowed brows, pierced her like a knife. She realized she still had hold of the chain and hastily released it, crossing her arms over her body.
Where is my robe?
For a moment, she stood motionless, stunned. His eyes slowly grazed over her.
The nerve!
When he opened his mouth to speak, Kiki darted from the room, sprinting for the hall, and slammed her door shut. She frantically searched for the missing robe and considered piling furniture against the entrance to her bedroom. She caught a glimpse of silk fabric peeking from beneath the bed clothes and wrapped the garment around h
er body. No sound came from the hallway. He must still be in the great room.
What is he doing here?
She spied her new jeans on the floor and hurriedly pulled them on. She opened her door a crack and yelled, "What do you want?"
"I've been waiting half the night to speak with you, Miss Tam," he growled.
His tone, hard and controlled, frightened her. She reconsidered the barricade. Then she realized she could make it to the front door. Once outside, she'd scream and the ranch hands would come running. She made a bolt for it.
Her bare feet padded towards the entrance. She turned the knob and yanked. She could feel cold air rushing against her night gown and saw a sliver of the night sky. Then a large hand slammed against the door, forcing it closed in an instant. Prepared to scream, Kiki spun to face the brute, filling her lungs with air.
He towered over her, leaning against the door with his left hand. The look on his face stifled the scream in her throat. He looked angry, but not menacing. He placed his right hand next to the jamb, trapping her.
"I wouldn't suggest running around out there without my clothes," he said. "You'll catch pneumonia. Now, come back to the living room. We've got some things to discuss."
"I'm not going anywhere with you! Who do you think you are, breaking in here and startling me? I let your rudeness slide the other night, but this is too much. Mr. Liu is going to hear about this!" she yelled, her voice rising with each word.
His eyes narrowed, but he didn't move. Kiki thought about ducking under his left arm and making another run for it, but her pride wouldn't allow it. She felt ridiculous enough already.
She watched him swallow, and his Adam's apple distracted her for a moment.
"Well?" she demanded.
The cowboy removed his right arm and moved enough to allow her to pass, back towards the great room. He kept his left hand on the door, prohibiting her escape. She weighed her options, then sauntered back to the couch. She'd hear him out, then report him to Mr. Liu. The man was probably insane.
What could he possibly have to discuss with me? Maybe he wants to know where he can buy luggage like mine. The thought almost made her laugh out loud, but she caught the nervous giggle and cleared her throat instead.